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Пневматический привод GEMU DR / SC

Пневматический привод GEMU DR / SC  Construction
The pneumatic DR/SC quarter turn actuators operate according to thedouble piston rack and pinion principle. Double acting or single actingversions are available.

• DR/SC quarter turn actuators are particularly suitable for mounting tobutterfly valves or ball valves with a standard connection ISO 5211.DIN 3337 (F03 - F25)
• VDI/VDE 3845 connections (sizes 0 - 4) for mounting accessories andNAMUR control air connections are available

Version A: The aluminium housing is completely ALODUR coated insideand outside. ALODUR coating features:
- extremely abrasion resistant
- smooth surface(therefore less abrasion at the dynamic components)
- optimum corrosion resistance
Version D: The housing is hard anodized inside and outside and PTFEcoated to a thickness of 25-30 μm.
The end caps are chromatized and also PTFE coated to a thickness of80-90 μm. This coating is suitable for use with acid or chemical solutions(electro-plating or offshore).

Multifunction indicator
The position of the multifunction indicator can be quicklyadapted for a parallel or 45° position indicator as well asfor actuator positions mounted along or across the pipe.By exchanging the yellow plastic inserts for metal inserts(Eisamet) the multifunction indicator is suitable as a"trigger cam" for external mounting of proximity sensors(without housing) type F25 from P + F. Other externallyMounted proximitysensors (without housing) on request.

Shaft connection
The octagonal shape offers the user more flexibility when mountingactuators. They can be mounted to valves with a parallel or diagonalsquare. All other shaft connections to EN ISO 5211 are possible onrequest.

Stroke adjustment
When mounting the actuator to the valve a lot of time canbe saved using the precise cam system for adjusting bothend positions ± 20°.
All end position adjustments are service friendly withoutdisassembling the actuator.

Temperature range
The temperature range of use of the actuators is -40°Cto +80°C.

Технические данные.pdf

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